Tracking packets and letters

Reliable tracking of packets and letters across postal networks

Low-cost tracking solution for postal operations

RAIN RFID provides performance management for postal networks and reliable tracking for cross-border shipments.

Reliable tracking

Automated and low cost tracking option for cross-border shipments. Capture high quality data for tracking items shipped internationally. Enhance visibility for customer service agents with details about the last location of individual letters and packets. RFID can be used in addition to traditional barcode tracking or as a replacement.

Bulk identification

RAIN RFID is the only technology providing exeptionally reliable identification of individual items in bulk reading operations. Identify letters and packets without the need for line of sight. The technology enables read rates to identify thousands of items within seconds.

Measure network performance

Real-time data tracking packets and letters across postal networks provides comprehensive insights into the networks performance. Capture operational insights and identify exceptions quickly to ensure consistent, high service standards.

Real-time visibility

Real-time visibility of the identity and location of each packet or letter within your network provides you with the necessary insights to efficiently manage your operations. Real-time data enables you to trigger corrective actions to optimise your delivery performance before customers notice any degradation.

Why use RFID

RAIN RFID enables you to automatically identify and count high volumes of items without the need for line of sight. Each item has a unique identifier, allowing full visibility and traceability of each individual letter or packet. RFID offers significant optimisation potential for the flow of information and items throughout postal networks.

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