Logistics & Distribution

Automated shipment verification and goods receipt

Full visibility of items and roll cages shipped to your stores

Automatically capture data about items and cases as you prepare goods for delivery. Identify and validate loading, capture real-time insights and verify accuracy of deliveries.

Monitor stock

Monitor stock levels across your own and vendor owned stock. Keep automated, accurate counts of items received, transferred and shipped. Validate correct build of roll cages and track serialised information providing data about lots, expiry and use by dates. Monitor FIFO compliance of your DC operations.

Shipment verification

Automated shipment verification ensures that individual items and roll-cages are shipped to the right store. Avoid mis-shipments causing waste, out-of-stock situations at the store level and potentially expensive returns

Recall management

Efficiently manage recalls with full information available about which stores received specific lots of items. Ensure full regulatory compliance demonstrating reliable, automated traceability. Avoid chain-wide removal of goods from shelf with the ability to identify exactly which stores received the product lots recalled.

Real-time visibility

Real-time visibility of each items identity, location and use-by date across your facilities provides you with the necessary insights to efficiently manage your stock and operations. Real-time data enables you to trigger relevant actions without delay, optimising availability across your network of stores.

Why use RFID

RAIN RFID enables you to automatically identify and count high volumes of items without the need for line of sight. Each item has a unique identifier, allowing full visibility and traceability of each individual product. RFID offers significant optimisation potential for the flow of information and goods along the grocery supply chain.

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